
Safeguarding Links

Please report concerns, call 1800 135 246

The Anglican Diocese does not tolerate abuse, harassment, racism or other misconduct. If any person has concerns about the behaviour of a church worker, past or present, they can contact Kooyoora Ltd.

We are deeply distressed that there have been occasions when abuse and misconduct have occurred in our community. Kooyoora Ltd is independent of the diocese and receives and manages complaints about abuse and misconduct by church workers.

The diocese is committed to doing all that is possible to ensure that abuse does not occur. All complains of abuse are taken very seriously and we do all we can to lessen harm. We offer respect, pastoral care and support to anyone who makes a complaint.

You can contact Kooyoora Ltd by calling 1800 135 246 or emailing

Related Links

Domestic & Family Violence General Synod resolutions Survivor Advocate and other related contacts MATE Bystander training