
The whole baptised community is called to ministry. Every baptised person is a minister of the Christian gospel and the primary order of the Church is the order of the Laity.

It is important that we do not “clericalise” the laity by requiring licensing for ministry functions that are the privilege of every believer. All God’s people are called to the ministry of care, for instance, so Christians in the local parish do not need or indeed should receive any further authorisation for the task of caring service other than that inherent in baptism.

However, for the good order of the Church and for its focus upon mission it is appropriate that some who exercise a special ministry of leadership or oversight on the one hand, or a representative function on the other, should be authorised to do so.

Scope of Licences and Authorisations

The Archbishop’s license authorises lay members to ministry in their own local area. They may also minister in other areas of the Diocese if the scope of their license allows and they are invited to do so by competent authority. Further information on offices, positions and ministries requiring a license can be found in the Licensing Policy attached.

Safer Ministry Accreditation

Each person holding the Archbishop‟s licence or authorisation is required to comply with the Safe Ministry Accreditation requirements. This process includes a screening and education component which will vary depending on the type of position held.

Requesting a Lay License

The supervising clergy person (usually the Parish Priest) should write to or contact the Bishop’s Office to nominate a layperson for a license.

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