Make a Report

Complaints about Church Workers

The Diocese has a comprehensive Professional Standards regime in place to deal with complaints where the complaint concerns behaviour by Church Workers that calls into question their fitness to hold a position in the Church. You will find a link to the Professional Standards Ordinance and Protocols below. To make a complaint or to report abuse contact Kooyoora.


Diocesan Council has adopted a Grievance Policy and Procedures which implement the principles enunciated by the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Australia in “Being Together: Expectations of behaviour in our church community.”

The purpose of the policy is to provide an avenue through which members and employees of the Anglican Church in the Diocese can resolve complaints as they arise, without fear of unfair treatment or victimisation and in the knowledge that their privacy will be protected.

Communities should always try to resolve grievances locally and quickly through the Parish Priest and Wardens, or by calling on the area Archdeacon for assistance. Please find the Grievance Policy and Procedures below.

Complaints about an Archbishop

For a professional standards complaint against the Archbishop only, please refer to the General Synod Episcopal Standards Director.