Safeguarding Links
Please report concerns, call 1800 135 246
The Anglican Diocese does not tolerate abuse, harassment, racism or other misconduct. If any person has concerns about the behaviour of a church worker, past or present, they can contact Kooyoora Ltd.
We are deeply distressed that there have been occasions when abuse and misconduct have occurred in our community. Kooyoora Ltd is independent of the diocese and receives and manages complaints about abuse and misconduct by church workers.
The diocese is committed to doing all that is possible to ensure that abuse does not occur. All complains of abuse are taken very seriously and we do all we can to lessen harm. We offer respect, pastoral care and support to anyone who makes a complaint.
You can contact Kooyoora Ltd by calling 1800 135 246 or emailing
In line with the Synod’s adoption of the General Synod Safe Ministry to Children Canon 2017 the Diocese has in place the Policy for Safe Ministry in a parish where there is a risk of sexual abuse by a Person of Concern.
This policy helps to ensure the safety of adults and children where a Person of Concern (POC) is currently participating or wishes to participate in the life of a parish, and outlines in detail the process to be followed.
A POC is defined as a person whose presence constitutes a risk of sexual abuse to people in the parish and may include one or more of the following:
The Professional Standards Director (PSD) exercises major responsibility in the implementation of this policy, is responsible for managing the assessment of risk and must be involved in decisions about the POC.
It is imperative that as soon as practicable after you suspect or know that a POC is participating or wishes to participate in the life of your parish, you notify the PSD.
If you are unsure whether a person is a Person of Concern, or require further information or advice, please consult the Professional Standards Director by phoning 1800 135 246 or emailing