Seeking Redress

To report abuse please contact Kooyoora

National Redress Scheme

The Diocese of Adelaide is committed to the National Redress Scheme to provide an avenue for redress for those who have experienced abuse in the church. The Diocese was declared as a Participating Institution in the Scheme on 27 February 2019.

Apply to the National Redress Scheme or to find out more:

Sharon Lockwood, Survivor Advocate

If you would like to speak with someone about your support and reporting options or you are a survivor of abuse that happened in a church setting, whether it happened yesterday or many years ago, in the Diocese of Adelaide or elsewhere, and you would like to talk to someone about what happened to you, please get in touch with the independent Survivor Advocate, Sharon Lockwood.

0420 519 113

The Survivor Advocate can assist survivors in relation to the following:

  • Provide co-ordination and support for survivors
  • Provide assistance with the Direct Personal Response process for survivors involved with the National Redress Scheme
  • Respond to any enquiries for information about counselling services available, reporting avenues and support options


Sharon is available on Wednesdays, Thursdays & alternate Fridays and works independently of the Diocesan Offices in an off-site location.

Sharon has 30 years of experience in social work practice with survivors of sexual harm and has an extensive work history in the provision of crisis intervention, ongoing therapeutic counselling services and training programs. She has worked in a variety of settings including Victim Support Service, Respond SA, the University of Adelaide and Yarrow Place Rape and Sexual Assault Service, where she worked for over 21 years.